Trust Leaders and SLEs
- In line with the commitment of the Prince Regent Trust to a school-led- system, the Trust will work with relevant system leaders to provide individual support for schools.
- Opportunities for further SLEs will be available within the Trust.
- These leaders will work in line with the remit of the designated roles and will be responsible for agreeing priorities with the CEO, the external school improvement consultant and the relevant school and for reporting back the impact of their support.
The Trust will support SLEs to;
- Work effectively within their own school and across all Trust schools
- Successfully coach and facilitate skills to bring about sustainable improvements
- Communicate and use interpersonal skills
- Articulate what constitutes ‘outstanding’ in their field of expertise
- Clearly understand how their specialism and skills can contribute to wider school improvement goals
- Take an analytical approach to when identifying and prioritising needs
- Set and establish new and innovative working practices
- Support the growth of leadership capacity in others
External Partners
- The CEO is the main link with the RSC on behalf of the Prince Regent Trust
- The Education Funding Agency (EFA) is responsible for funding arrangements in relation to learners from 3 – 11. It is also responsible for monitoring academies and therefore is the named contact for the Local Authorities in relation to specific areas such as safeguarding concerns.
- The Local Authority role, in relation to school improvement, is mainly related to maintained schools. However the Local Authority can discuss concerns it has about particular schools with the RSC, or it may also choose to discuss these concerns with the Trust.
- In addition to this, Local Authorities maintain a central responsibility for SEN and Safeguarding in relation to all schools in the Local Authority Area.